i) Functions :-
A versatile conveying equipment which can be used for almost
all bulk solids from fines to lumps of 3" size. Conveyor
capacities can vary from few Kgs. Minimum to 500 M3 / HR and
diameters ranging from 150 mm to 1200 mmand speeds from 175
RPM to 10 RPM. It is meant to convey materials from One point
to another horizontally and can do so without any dusting
and spillage at very reasonable power expense. This equipment
can also be used for inclined conveying for which capacity
duration to be considered while sizing. This will depend on
inclination sought and material characteristics.
ii) Construction :-
Helical flights made from prime quality steel, cold pressed
in die to retain its strength, welded on strong central pipe,
encased in 'U' or 'Circular' trough rolled out of steel plates.
Screw pipe ends are fitted with carefully selected shafts,
machined and supported by high quality bearings. Shaft exists
are properly sealed by glands, bearings are housed in outboat
type housing so as to ensure avoidance of dust ingress. Top
of 'U' trough is sealed by top cover. Fixing will depend on
application / specific locations to ensure easy maintenance.
Equipments are generally provided with rugged saddle type
short supports. Any other supporting arrangements can be tailored
to suit clients specific requirements. Additional feature
is provision of reverse flights at both the ends to ensure
smooth flow of material to discharge spout / opposite to shaft
exists only and do not gather at the ends. Hanger bearings
of various proven designs are available and made to suit applications
wherever the screw length exceeds. The standard available
length of pipe or 2.5 / 3 mtr. Interval. This solely depends
on diameter of screw and lengths required.
